Czech legislation
ASEKOL is a compliance scheme for the take-back of EEE. Its services have been used by manufacturers or importers of EEE based on individual agreements since 2005. Within its take-back system, ASEKOL closely collaborates with towns and municipalities, final retailers and service providers, collection companies and processors of EEE.
It also provides solutions for manufacturers and importers of batteries in cooperation with the ECOBAT compliance scheme in accordance with the provisions of Section 84(3) of Act No. 542/2020 Coll., on End-of-Life Products. With regard to the EOL, on 9 July 2021, an “Agreement on Cooperation in Ensuring the Fulfilment of the Obligations of Manufacturers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment with Built-in or Attached Batteries or Accumulators” was signed between the compliance schemes of ASEKOL a.s. and ECOBAT s.r.o.
Based on this agreement, manufacturers can report the quantity of batteries placed on the market in the Czech Republic in one information system together with EEE and this cooperation is extended to all groups of built-in, attached and stand-alone batteries.
The registration number of the ASEKOL a.s. compliance scheme is KH005/05-ECZ. The company is registered in the Commercial Register lodged with the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File No 19943, Ref. C 109190/SL9/MSPH, NZ 347/2005, B 19943.
The ASEKOL compliance scheme is a non-profit company representing EEE manufacturers and importers and organises a nationwide system for the take-back of EEE. It provides for the collection, transport and recycling of end-of-life electrical appliances, including the financing of the system as a whole, and is based on the principle of equal access for all participants in the system. Agreements with manufacturers are the same for shareholders and manufacturers. We have created the densest network for the collection of EEE, with more than 12,300 collection points in the Czech Republic.
ASEKOL is so far the only company in the Czech Republic that has been proven to meet EU quotas for the collection of WEEE.
The company is incorporated as a non-profit company, i.e. no profits will be distributed amongst shareholders.
The compliance scheme is accountable for the results of the take-back and the recovery rate not only to the EEE manufacturers with whom it has concluded an agreement and for whom it fulfils its obligations under the Waste Act, but also to the Ministry of the Environment, to which it submits an annual report on its activities by 31 March each year at the latest.
ASEKOL is the first company in the Czech Republic to meet all the stringent conditions and requirements set by the new legislation and to be authorised to operate a compliance scheme for the take-back of EEE.
Specimen information letter for customers from 1 January 2022
In the links below you can find the full wording of Act No. 542/2020 Coll., on End-of-Life Products, and several other key regulations, decrees and documents that are closely related to WEEE:
Act No.
477/2001 Coll. Act on Packaging and on the Amendment to Certain Acts (Packaging Act) – full text
541/2020 Coll. Waste Act
542/2020 Coll. Act on End-of-Life Products
Regulation No.
111/2002 Coll. Government Regulation setting the amount of the deposit for selected types of returnable deposit packaging
352/2014 Coll. Government Regulation on the Waste Management Plan of the Czech Republic for the period 2015-2024
Decree No.
8/2021 Coll. Decree on the Waste Catalogue and the assessment of waste properties (Waste Catalogue)
16/2022 Coll. Decree on details of the disposal of certain end-of-life products
30/2021 Coll. Decree on the implementation of certain provisions of the Packaging Act
273/2021 Coll. Decree on details of waste management
345/2021 Coll. Decree on details of the disposal of end-of-life vehicles
- Rules for manufacturer involvement in raising awareness
- Notification from the Waste Department on the classification of selected EEE dated 17 March 2021
- Communication of the Ministry of Finance on the accounting and tax regime for funding the disposal of EEE
- New Act No. 542/2020 Coll. – Methodological Instruction of the Ministry of the Environment of 19 January 2021
- Ministry of Industry and Trade – RoHS manual
- Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012