I want to become a client REGISTRATION FORM I want to become a client Information for contractual documentation Company ID No. * Company name * Company’s registered office * Mailing adress * Country * Tax ID No. * Statutory representative * Bank account number * Invoice email address * Other information Type of electrical and electronic equipment introduced to the market * Date of first introduction to the market * Sales method * E-shop Wholesale Retail Leasing Presentation Internal use Extra delivery Does the equipment contain batteries? * Yes No Note Person responsible for contractual documentation Contact person’s name * Contact person’s e-mail address * Contact person’s telephone number * Person responsible for reporting Person responsible for reporting is identical with person responsible for contractual documentation Contact person’s name * Contact person’s e-mail address * Contact person’s telephone number * Marketing purposes consent * I give consent to the Controller to send business messages for marketing purposes. Protection of Personal Data * By ticking off the box, I give consent to the Controller to process my personal data (name, surname, e-mail, phone,..) in a scope and for the purpose as stated in the Privacy policy. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit