Solar panels

ASEKOL Solar specialises in take-back and providing for the recycling of solar panels. It was founded as a not-for-profit subsidiary of the ASEKOL compliance scheme.

  • We will ensure compliance with your legal obligations.
  • We will provide to you ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY DISPOSAL of solar panels.

An amendment to the Waste Act brought solar power plant panels into the group of devices subject to the take-back obligation. Pursuant to the amendment of the Waste Act, producers and importers of solar panels in the Czech Republic are obliged by 30 June 2013 to join a compliance scheme that will handle panel disposal. This change also applies to operators of photovoltaic power plants.

Currently more than 6,000 photovoltaic power plant operators are registered with us, and we provide them not only with fulfilment of their legal obligations but also offer them other interesting services in the photovoltaics area, such as

  • thermovision measurement of their solar panels
  • advisory in the solar area
  • support and assistance for inspections by state administration bodies.