31. 8. 2021
The ASEKOL Company has decided to support the COMPUTERS FOR CHILDREN project. This is a unique programme, which promotes education in socially disadvantaged families. “Older or outdated computers are professionally rebuilt and then given to children for educational purposes.”, reports Jan Vrba, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ASEKOL Company.
The ASEKOL Company supports this project in several ways. We can provide functional computers, which are suitable for further use for these purposes, within the terms of the take-back system for electrical appliances. Laptops, computers or their parts, which cannot be used further within the terms of this project, are professionally recycled. And finally, we also allow our employees to spend a day carrying out charitable activities within the terms of this project – whether this concerns the opportunity to repair computers, assure logistics or administrative assistance.
If you also want to become involved in the COMPUTERS FOR CHILDREN project, you can find details on their website https://www.pocitacedetem.cz/.