ASEKOL at the FAST DAY fair in Letňany – Innovation and sustainability for the future!
4. 10. 2023
ASEKOL is happy to participate in the consumer electronics fair FAST DAY, which takes place on 4th October 2023 in Letňany. This fair is an important platform for the presentation of innovative products and at the same time offers an opportunity to discuss sustainability and the responsible management of e-waste. ASEKOL is actively involved in this discussion and is available for consultation to all visitors of the fair. ASEKOL has its own stand at this fair, where it is presenting its work and initiatives in the field of proper disposal of end-of-life electrical appliances. Visitors can get information on how to properly sort electrical appliances and batteries, how the recycling process works and how important this activity is for our environment.
Spreading awareness in the field of e-waste sorting and recycling is a priority for us, and we thank you for the opportunity to present our efforts at this prestigious event”, says Daniel Šafář, Commercial and Marketing Director of the ASEKOL collective system.
“Šíření osvěty v oblasti třídění a recyklace elektroodpadu je pro nás prioritou a děkujeme za možnost prezentovat naše úsilí na této prestižní události”, uvádí Daniel Šafář, Obchodní a marketingový ředitel kolektivního systému ASEKOL.