ASEKOL helps in need

12. 3. 2019

In each of the 14 regions, one regional organization could be supported, and each client could also choose between two national projects. Clients could choose among 16 projects to support children from children’s homes, nature protection, employment of disabled people or handicapped athletes. “This new last year concept was very popular, so we decided to continue and bring help to those who need it. Money for Christmas presents goes to projects that make sense,” said Karel Krejsa, General Manager at ASEKOL. “I am very pleased with the total amount we have distributed this year, as it is twice as high as last year. Our clients also appreciated this meaningful contribution,” added Karel Krejsa.

For example, for the Moravian-Silesian Region, Charita Opava was included into the supported projects. The representatives want to use the money raised during this action for the purchase of new equipment of the social therapeutic workshop in the Protected and Supported Housing for Mental Illness. “Unfortunately, the furnishings of this workshop show a great deal of wear and tear; The need for this social service is becoming increasingly urgent,” explains Kateřina Víchová, head of the organization Charita Opava.

The total sum of CZK 140,000 was distributed among the following projects:  

Region / Organization Project
Dejme dětem šanci Dejme dětem šanci
NRZP ČR Vzácná onemocnění
Praha Kolonoskop pro dětskou chirurgii Na Bulovce
Liberecký Šance zvířatům
Ústecký Pomoc týraným kočkám
Karlovarský SOS Sluníčko Karlovy Vary
Plzeňský Centrum Hájek
Jihočeský 1. Sociální družstvo VLNA
Středočeský Zdeněk Šafránek
Královéhradecký Noha základ života
Pardubický Středisko rané péče v Pardubicích
Vysočina Program ARCHA
Jihomoravský LILA Domov pro postižené děti Otnice
Olomoucký Blátoviště v domu přírody litovelského Pomoraví
Moravskoslezský Charita Opava
Zlínský Geriatrické centrum pro dům seniorů Luhačovice