1. 4. 2021
Since its establishment in 2007, the MŮJ SVĚT (MY WORLD) photo competition has held a celebratory unveiling of the winning images on an annual basis. Initially, this event took place in more modest conditions in different spaces owned by Caritas Opava, and since 2013 it has moved to the magnificent Historical Exhibition Building of the Silesian Museum in Opava. This year, due to epidemiological measures, the event moved to outdoor areas on Horní náměstí in Opava, where it will be open to the public through April.
We managed to hold the opening of last year’s photo competition before the announcement of the first state of emergency, but measures related to the ongoing epidemiological crisis have made any such gatherings impossible this year. However, the traditional opening ceremony will not be interrupted, primarily thanks to the Silesian Museum. From Monday, March 29, the best images of the 13th year of the photo competition, whose authors are traditionally employees, volunteers, and clients of Caritas throughout the Czech Republic, can be seen on outdoor panels installed at Horní náměstí in Opava.
The intimate ceremonial opening of the exhibition was attended by the director of the Silesian Museum in Opava, Jana Horáková, and the director of Caritas Opava. Jiří Siostrzonek from the Institute of Creative Photography FPF Silesian University represented the expert commission, which annually selects the best of the received photographs. He represented his other two colleagues – the patron of the competition and world-famous photographer Jindřich Štreit, and Zdenek Kovářík from ASEKOL, which is a partner in one of the three competition categories.
The exhibition of thirty award-winning images, in which, among other things, the last difficult year is captured through the eyes of front-line workers, will be exhibited on outdoor panels at Horní náměstí until the end of April. It will subsequently move to the chateau in Radun for the holidays and then be on display in České Budějovice and Žďár nad Sázavou, for example.