Red container is mobile and on its way around Prague this weekend

10. 3. 2017

Mobile container will be placed in Prague 1, 2 and 4 during March. That way it can be used by residents, who don’t have a stationary red container in their area.

ASEKOL in cooperation with MOBILECO project meets its long-term goal to make recycling easier for the public. Mobile container can be used to throw in small electronic devices from households. For example they won’t need to look for a scrap yard because of a computer keyboard. A seperate part of the container is also for textile

Dates and locations:

Prague 1

from 13.03.2017 06:00 till 13.03.2017 20:00, Besední ul. č. 2

from 14.03.2017 06:00 till 14.03.2017 20:00, Hellichova 10

from 15.03.2017 06:00 till 15.03.2017 20:00, Široká – naproti FF UK

from 16.03.2017 06:00 till 16.03.2017 20:00, Ostrovní u ZŠ

Praha 2

from 11.03.2017 07:00 till 12.03.2017 20:00, Kladská x Lužická

Stationary red containers can be used for small electronic devices (for example calculators, radios, small computer equipment, discmen, mobile phones..).

Stationary red containers can not be used for TVs, computer monitors, fluorescent tubes and saving lamps.