Tender for processing electrical and electronic equipment for 2015

16. 10. 2014

Last year, ASEKOL decided to include even more sheltered workshops than previously in processing old electronics, and it issued an open tender for processing an additional 1,000 tonnes of e-waste.

Any organisation operating on the territory of the Czech Republic fulfilling the entry conditions and having at least 50% of its recalculated number of employees in the defined sheltered jobs may participate in the tender. All conditions of the tender will be stated in the tender documents.

Opening of envelopes and evaluation of offers will be conducted under legal assistance and in co-operation with independent experts from unions and associations representing people with disabilities. Mr Václav Krása will again chair the selection committee.

Those interested to participate in the tender can apply in the period from 10 October 2014 to 31 October 2014 (inclusive) at the e-mail address [email protected] and request sending of the tender documentation.